About us
To Hire And Empower Individuals To Develop Entrepreneurial Thinking For An Impending Success In The Financial Services Industry
To Provide Excellent Customer Care And Sound Financial Solutions To Customers Through Continuous Professional Education
Founder Message
JMS Org was founded in 1991 by our Agency Leader James M Supermaniam. Our Founder has managed and lead numerous advisors and took them down the path of becoming leaders. Being one of the only all Indian agency in its entirety, our Leader has a vision to better our community by hiring and empowering individuals to become successful entrepreneurs in the financial services industry. With over 30 years of experience in management, motivational speaking and mentoring coach to advisors from countries around the world, our Agency Leader has not allowed anyone to fail.
“Success is not by chance. It’s by choice” Standards are high, and that’s the foundation of JMS Organization!